If you are a student, this article is definitely for you! Courses via your university email for free. Now you will get the most important lessons you need in your professional life!
Special opportunities for university students – courses via your university email address
If you are a university student and you have a university email, you have obtained a valuable treasure, because you can register for the most important courses for free.
1- Student Developer Pack for GitHub
Learn how to ship software like a pro. There is no substitute for practical experience. But for most students, real-world tools can be prohibitively expensive. That's why we created the GitHub Student Developer Pack with some of our partners and friends.
Benefit from more than 80 free services, such as:
- 3-month subscription to DataCamp
- 1-year subscription to GitHub Copilot
An important step for registration is that you need to upload a copy of your university entry ID (card) and then wait for a period of two hours for a few days only.
2- Microsoft Office 365
You can now get all Microsoft applications for free, the most important of which are Word, Excel and Teams. From here
Read also: Improve listening skills – a great opportunity available for all levels of English!
3- Notion for student
The wonderful Notion app is now completely in your hands without any expense. Enjoy the best app to easily divide and plan your daily tasks. From here
4- Azure $100 for students
Start your journey on the Azure platform with $100 to use its various features and services. From here
5-60% off all Adobe services
Now, thanks to Adobe, at a very low price you can use the programs it supports, such as Photoshop, which is an important and vital program. From here
6-Canva Plus – courses with your university email
Who doesn't use Canva? Everyone always needs it, especially during school years, because it saves you from the burden of colorful designs, as well as images and infographics. Canva offers countless templates, but reserves some, or even most, for the paid version. You can now get the entire program for free if your university has an account on Canva. From here
7- CamScanner Premium
The application that converts images to PDF in addition to many features including editing, purifying and editing images. From here.
8- Table for students
Get a full year's subscription now for free if you're a student. You can enter From here
9- 1 TB on Google Drive
Get 1 terabyte of storage! Can you imagine this? Free terabyte using university email only! From here
10- AWS courses – special opportunities for university students
Free Amazon courses such as: Cloud, Machine Learning, Data Analytics. From here