
B2B Social Media Marketing Trends for 2025
Marketing, Tutorials

B2B Social Media Marketing Trends for 2025

The B2B marketing landscape is constantly evolving and social media is playing an increasingly important role in how businesses interact with their audiences. As 2025 approaches, it’s essential for B2B brands to stay ahead of emerging trends. New content strategies and formats are redefining interactions with potential customers, and adapting to these changes can provide a competitive advantage. According to the conclusions of the Netline B2B Content Consumption Reportdemand for engaging and personalized content is increasing, driving the shift towards more authentic and relevant digital experiences. As co-host of the Social Pros PodcastI was excited to sit down with the strategists at Convince & Convert to discuss what brands need to have in their social media marketing playbook for the year ahead. The article below is a summary of the topics that have surfaced that B2B marketing teams need to pay attention to in order to stay competitive. You can watch the full video replay from the episode below, or add it to your podcast lineup on your favorite platform. Authentic and engaging content In 2025, authenticity is key. B2B brands are moving away from overly corporate messages and adopting a more human and accessible tone. This shift reflects strategies typically seen in B2C marketing, where relatability and storytelling are crucial. B2B companies are now focusing on building emotional connections by showcasing their brand values, challenges and successes. Here are examples of successful B2B storytelling: Adobe’s storytelling campaign highlights how its tools empower businesses and creators. IBM focuses on sharing customer success stories to build trust and demonstrate impact. Microsoft’s social initiatives provide executive perspectives on industry trends. With a focus on storytelling, brands connect deeply with their audiences and differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. Short or long video Video content continues to dominate in 2025, but the types of videos that work for B2B marketers vary depending on the platform and goals. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram are ideal for short-form videos, which quickly grab attention and drive real-time engagement. In fact, 72% of B2B marketers report success in generating leads through short-form video content. Short video works well for: Highlight quick tips and information Share insight into company culture Showcase customer testimonials For deeper engagement, long-form content such as webinars or YouTube videos helps build authority and educate potential customers. Brands like Salesforce and HubSpot use long-form YouTube content for product demos, case studies, and thought leadership discussions. Learn more about B2B social strategy at Salesforce in episode 631 of the Social Pros podcast. Consider using a long-form video to cover: Detailed product overviews Industry-specific insights and case studies Live tutorials or Q&As with subject matter experts Explore B2B Social Media Consulting Services on Convince & Convert to learn more about implementing a video strategy tailored to your brand. Thought leadership In B2B marketing, thought leadership is essential for establishing trust and authority. Platforms like LinkedIn are prime spaces for thought leaders to share ideas, case studies, and industry predictions, which builds brand credibility and boosts SEO. Content that positions your brand as a thought leader can: Building industry authority and influence Improve visibility in search engines Attract new subscribers and partners Microsoft and IBM are effectively using LinkedIn for thought leadership, with executives sharing their views on future trends. This positions their brands as trusted sources and keeps audiences engaged. Find out how B2B thought leadership can strengthen the influence of your brand. Influencer marketing We have been saying it for years: Influencer marketing is not limited to the B2C space. B2B influencer marketing is growing rapidly as businesses seek to partner with industry experts to gain credibility and reach niche audiences. Influencers in the B2B world help brands connect with their audiences faster than traditional marketing, increasing reach and engagement. The main benefits of B2B influencer marketing include: Build trust faster with credible voices Increased brand visibility in specific industry niches Improved engagement with targeted and relevant audiences As a concrete example, explore this case study from Oracle “On the Fly” B2B Video Series. They tapped the expertise of 30 B2B influencers to increase traffic to their website and showcase unique thought leadership across all channels, including LinkedIn. Oracle tapped B2B influencers to create video assets to build their thought leadership and drive traffic to their website and newsletter. AI Integration AI and automation are transforming the B2B social media landscape by streamlining content creation and improving engagement. Here’s how AI can impact your B2B social media strategy: Content customization: AI tools offer data-driven insights that help tailor content to audience preferences. Automated customer service: Chatbots provide quick responses, thereby improving the customer experience. Improved analytics: AI-powered analytics offer predictive insights, allowing brands to refine their strategies in real time. AI-powered tools help marketers identify content trends, optimize campaign timing, and predict customer needs. This strategic use of AI allows B2B brands to maintain a strong presence without overburdening resources. For a more detailed analysis of this topic, I encourage you to watch the “5 Steps to AI Readiness for Marketers» webinar presented by Zontee Hou (see preview below). https://awesome.convinceandconvert.com/hubfs/AI-readiness-V02-V3_(1).mp4 Focus on customer pain points Addressing customer issues with targeted content is a highly effective B2B approach. By identifying the challenges faced by potential customers, brands can position themselves as solution providers, creating a steady flow of leads and building trust. Effective pain-focused content includes: HubSpot blog posts on common marketing challenges, combined with practical tips Salesforce Webinars on Customer Data Management Solutions IBM white papers addressing security issues in cloud computing This approach builds credibility and attracts and retains an engaged audience. Explore Convince and Convert B2B consulting services to learn more about creating an issue-driven content strategy. Looking to the future As 2025 approaches, B2B social media marketing continues to evolve. From the rise of short-form video and influencer partnerships to the integration of AI, this year’s B2B trends prioritize authenticity, engagement, and targeted solutions. By staying on top of these trends, brands can improve their lead flow, strengthen relationships, and engage

615 acciones de Marketing y Publicidad según 25 expertos
Marketing, Tutorials

615 acciones de Marketing y Publicidad según 25 expertos

Hoy te proponemos 615 ideas para que puedas aplicar en tu estrategia de Marketing. Anteriormente, esta recopilación contaba con 365 acciones pero todo el equipo de la escuela ha colaborado en estos difíciles días para actualizarla, incluyendo nuevas estrategias y eliminando aquellas que ya no funcionaban. Con esta selección tendrás aun más ideas para mejorar tu Marketing y Publicidad. Muchas estrategias te las enseñamos en nuestro Máster de Marketing Digital. Además, aquí puedes ver todos nuestros Cursos de Marketing Digital. Estas 615 acciones, desarrolladas por más de 25 expertos del sector, se engloban en 34 categorías y áreas del Marketing, incluyendo nuevos conceptos que han surgido recientemente. No son acciones para hacer en un momento, sino que la mayoría de ellas son tareas completas que te llevarán un buen rato hacerlas. Toma nota de todas las acciones, organízate, planifica y ¡ponte a ello! 😉   615 acciones para llevar a cabo en 34 áreas del Marketing Digital   Acciones para tu Plan de Marketing   1 – Haz un análisis del mercado y de competencia, también llamado benchmarking. Haz un buen estudio de qué argumentos se utilizan en tu sector, un estudio de precios y un análisis de los productos y servicios más demandados. 2 – Estudia qué tipo de contenidos publican las empresas de tu sector para saber cuales funcionan mejor, cuales peor y sacar alguna idea para tus redes sociales y blog. 3 – Decide un branding y refuerza tu imagen corporativa para tu presencia online. Prepara una serie de recursos de imágenes para que te representen en la red, haz un logo, busca una tipografía para usar siempre en tus imágenes… 4 – Haz un listado de todas las redes sociales y plataformas en las que tienes presencia. Unifica las descripciones, las imágenes de portada, el logo de la marca y haz una pequeña guía de estilo para participar en cada una de ellas. 5 – Estudia cuál es tu público objetivo y define 3 personas con nombres, características, detalles y gustos. Vas a pensar en ellos siempre que generes algún contenido o mires en que redes participar, para saber si realmente estás respondiendo a sus posibles intereses y si tu público se encuentra allí. 6 – Haz un DAFO, un estudio de tus debilidades y fortalezas, y de ahí saca algún detalle que te diferencie de la competencia. Si no te diferencias en nada entonces sólo podrás competir precio y lugar, así que es buena idea buscar y añadir valores diferenciales. 7 – Define de qué recursos humanos y de qué presupuesto dispones para realizar tu plan de marketing. Fija una cantidad mensual que vayas a destinar, para comprobar mes a mes si estás obteniendo rentabilidad en tus esfuerzos en publicidad y saber si puedes ir aumentando o disminuyendo este presupuesto según los resultados. 8 – Selecciona unos KPIS o métricas que te permitan estudiar mes a mes los resultados obtenidos y saber qué acciones te funcionan y cuales no. Para visualizarlo mejor, puedes utilizar un Dashboard, este te permitirá visualizar mejor la información y así podrás maniobrar e ir corrigiendo poco las acciones a desarrollar. De todo el presupuesto gastado en marketing calcularás cuántas ventas han generado y con eso tendrás un Coste por Adquisición medio que debería cuadrar en el margen que tienes establecido para cada producto o servicio que vendas. 9 – Haz un buen estudio de público objetivo extrayendo datos de Google Analytics con la opción de audiencias, datos demográficos (edad, género) y comportamiento e intereses más ubicación geográfica, te ayudará a definir tus campañas. 10 – Combina los datos demográficos de Google Analytics con los de Redes Sociales como Facebook e Instagram para obtener un perfil aún más definido. Conseguirás tener una mejor idea de cual es tu buyer persona. 11 – Realiza un estudio enfocado en los intereses de tus clientes para detectar el insight de tu marca y/o productos. Para ello puedes utilizar encuestas o realizar un focus group. 12 – Crea contenidos específicos para tu publico objetivo sólo en los canales en los que se encuentre y puedas hacer campañas de marketing. 13 – Haz un estudio de mercado con un keyword research profundo analizando los términos, productos y servicios a posicionar y clasifícalos para tus diferentes campañas orgánicas y de pago. 14 – Haz una distribución correcta de en qué canales vas a usar tus palabras clave: Campañas de SEM, contenido en el Blog o copys en redes sociales. 15 – Implementa tu estrategia de uso de palabras clave en tu web y en tus contenidos con una estrategia basada en la intención de búsqueda de tus usuarios y combinándola técnicamente para Google. 16 – Crea un calendario de publicaciones en redes sociales para que te sea más fácil desarrollar tu estrategia por semanas y por meses. 17 – Incluye fechas importantes para tu marca y para tu audiencia en tu calendario de publicaciones. Éstas te servirán para desarrollar acciones estratégicas y colaborativas tanto con tus seguidores como con distintos referentes. 18 – Crea un plan de contenidos basado en los principales productos y servicios de tu marca. Posiciónalo técnicamente con tu blog y apóyate en las redes sociales para popularizarlo. 19 – Aporta SIEMPRE contenido de valor, no pienses solamente en vender. Si aportas valor, creas una audiencia que te ayude a difundir tu contenido en redes sociales y les fidelizarás en mayor medida. 20 – Crea un plan de acción por semanas y meses pero también por áreas. Te servirá para organizarte y trabajar las prioridades de tu marca además de ayudarte optimizar tus acciones y tu tiempo. 21 – Desarrolla un plan de objetivos medibles, alcanzables y comparables en el tiempo. Es importante que plantees objetivos que puedas conseguir para que no te desanimes o sientas frustración por lo que puedes plantear algunos a corto plazo y otros cuya consecución lleve más tiempo. 22 – Mide desde el primer día de trabajo, así podrás ver la evolución de tus acciones y objetivos en cada área. Y, en general, de todo tu Plan de Marketing. 23 – Integra Google Data Studio para preparar y automatizar informes de cada unos de tus canales de marketing. 24 – Especialízate en

If you recognize these 8 signs, you tend to get hated.
Parenting & Family, Tutorials

If you recognize these 8 signs, you tend to get hated.

Sometimes, without even realizing it, we can rub people the wrong way. It’s never intentional, but certain habits or personality traits can make others dislike us. Recognizing these trends is the first step to changing them. In this article, I’m going to walk you through 8 signs that might suggest you’re unknowingly pushing people away. Reading these signs will be like holding up a mirror to your actions. It may not be easy, but it’s essential if you want to improve your relationships with others. Let’s get started. 1) You are always right Confidence is a good thing, but when it turns into arrogance, it’s a different story. One of the quickest ways to make someone dislike you is to insist that you are always right. No one likes the know-it-all. This is not only frustrating, but it also makes people feel ignored and rejected. If you find yourself constantly arguing your point of view, refusing to consider other points of view, or outright rejecting the ideas of others, you may be exhibiting this trait. It’s important to remember that being right is not as important as being respectful. Everyone has unique experiences and perspectives that can expand our own understanding. Take a step back and give others the opportunity to share their thoughts. It’s not about winning an argument, it’s about building a bridge of understanding. 2) You don’t listen This one is a little close to my house. I used to find myself in conversations where I was more focused on what I was going to say next, rather than actually listening to what the other person was saying. The result? People felt ignored and underestimated. And let me tell you, that’s not a good feeling. Active listening is very important and it’s a skill I’ve had to work on. This means putting aside your own thoughts and focusing fully on the person speaking. This shows respect and makes the other person feel valued. If you often find yourself interrupting or formulating your response before the other person has finished speaking, it’s likely that you aren’t really listening. Believe me, working on it can significantly improve your relationships. 3) You are always negative A hint of pessimism can sometimes serve as a reality check, but constant negativity can be exhausting for those around you. Research shows that we tend to imitate the emotions of those around us – a phenomenon known as emotional contagion. So if you’re still in the dumps, chances are you’re dragging others down with you. Complaining, criticizing, and focusing on problems rather than solutions can make interactions with you cumbersome and stressful. It is important to cultivate a balance, recognizing challenges but also recognizing opportunities and positives. A little positivity can go a long way in getting people to like your business. 4) You are always the victim We all go through difficult times and it’s natural to want to share our experiences with others. However, if you constantly present yourself as a victim, it can start to take a toll on those around you. Playing the victim means you are always the victim of misfortune, with no responsibility for what happens in your life. This can make others uncomfortable and overwhelming, especially if they are always expected to be sympathetic or helpful. If you find yourself constantly blaming others or circumstances for your struggles, it may be time to take a step back. Think about ways you can take responsibility and regain control of your situation. This mindset shift can greatly improve how others perceive you. 5) You lack empathy Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it is an essential part of our human relationships. If you often find it difficult to understand what someone else is going through, or dismiss their feelings as unimportant, this can create a barrier between you and others. This sends the message that their emotions don’t matter to you, which can make people feel disrespected and undervalued. Being empathetic means opening your heart and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. It’s about recognizing their feelings, even if you’ve never experienced their situation yourself. By showing more empathy, you will not only make others feel heard and validated, but you will also deepen your connections with them. After all, we’re just humans on this journey together. 6) You are too focused on yourself There was a time when I walked into a room and immediately started talking about myself. My day, my problems, my achievements. It wasn’t until a close friend pointed this out to me that I realized how self-centered I had become. Being too self-centered can push people away. Conversations should be two-way. If you always bring the discussion back to yourself, others may feel like you’re not interested in them. It’s important to show genuine interest in the people around you. Ask them about their day, their feelings, their ideas. Listen more than you speak. This can create a more balanced and enjoyable interaction for everyone involved. 7) You are unreliable Trustworthiness is essential in any relationship, whether personal or professional. This builds trust and shows respect for the time and efforts of others. If you often arrive late, cancel plans at the last minute, or break promises, people may feel like they can’t count on you. This can lead to frustration and resentment over time. Being reliable means honoring your commitments and being punctual. If something happens and you can’t keep a promise, let them know as soon as possible and apologize sincerely. Actions speak louder than words, and consistency in your actions can greatly improve how others perceive you. 8) You are not authentic Ultimately, there is no substitute for authenticity. People are attracted to those who are authentic and true to themselves. If you’re constantly trying to be someone you’re not, or creating a facade to impress others, people may feel like they don’t really know you. This lack of authenticity can create a

La fin des cookies tiers sur Google chrome

End of third-party cookies on Chrome: the outcome

The removal of third-party cookies on Chrome has been announced soon for two years… And will wait a long time! History, issues and future of these small tracers as discreet as they are profitable. What are cookies? Cookies were created in the 90s by Netscape for e-commerce sites to remember the items put in the shopping cart. Since then, their uses have diversified, extending to targeted advertising and content personalization. Today we distinguish two large families of cookies: essential cookies and non-essential cookies. Essential cookies and third-party cookies Essential or proprietary cookies Essential cookies are essential to the functioning of websitesmerchants in particular, and an optimal user experience, such as the shopping cart, authentication, and language. They are placed by the site visited and only follow navigation on this site. We also talk about first-party cookies. Non-essential cookies or third-party cookies Non-essential cookies, or third-party cookies, are placed by third-party companies, mainly for targeted advertising and audience measurement. These cookies track navigation across multiple websites. Facebook or TikTok pixels, for example, are part of third-party cookies. Advertisers, who wish to target Internet users, thus conclude agreements with publishers, who wish to monetize the advertising space that constitutes their site. The problems raised by third-party cookies Third-party cookies pose several problems, including: THE respect for privacy : they follow users across different websites without them always being aware of being followed, despite the consent banners. And advertising targeting sometimes considered abusive: they allow companies to create very detailed profiles based on very personal data and to distribute advertisements which can be intrusive. THE data security : data is shared between several sites, increasing the risk of leaks. THE user control : users have very little control over their personal data and their use. A problem of unfair competition between digital players. THE Digital Markets Act raises that “the processing, for the purposes of providing online advertising services, of personal data of third parties using essential platform services offers gatekeepers potential advantages with regard to data accumulation”. Cookies and the law For essential cookies, the regulations do not require obtaining user consent since they are necessary for navigation. For third-party cookies, it's a different story, which begins in 2013. As early as 2013, the CNIL, National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties, issued recommendations regarding user consent for third-party cookies. The first consent banners have appeared… Third-party cookies and the GDPR In 2018, the GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, established therequirement for user consent : the banner allowing you to accept or refuse optional cookies has become widespread. Paywalls, paid versions of sites, have also appeared, in the event that the Internet user refuses cookies, the refused data representing a loss of income. The CNIL has nevertheless defined the conditions under which publishers can adopt this type of practice: offering an alternative (the paid version here), at a reasonable price. Third-party cookies and the Digital Services Act (DSA) In 2023, the DSA imposed: More transparency on how they use user data, including cookies. Reinforced consent: users must give explicit consent for the use of third-party cookies. Third-party cookies and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) In 2024, the AMD has also regulated the use of third-party cookies: Users should have control of their data and be able to easily refuse the use of third-party cookies Large platforms can no longer use data collected via third-party cookies in an anti-competitive manner. This means they must limit the use of these cookies, which are often used for targeted advertising. Access controllers must offer an alternative solution. The preamble to the DMA states: “The processing, for the purposes of providing online advertising services, of personal data of third parties using essential platform services offers gatekeepers potential advantages with regard to the accumulation of data, establishing This creates barriers to entry. Indeed, gatekeepers process personal data from significantly more third parties than other companies. (…) In order to prevent the contestability of essential platform services from being unfairly compromised by gatekeepers, they should allow end users to freely choose to adhere to such data processing and processing practices. connection by offering another possibility less personalized, but equivalent, and without making the use of the essential platform service or certain of its functionalities subject to the consent of the end user. Privacy Sandbox: Google's alternative to third-party cookies Since January 4, 2024, Google has been testing the limitation of online tracking with 1% of Chrome users: an important step in the project Privacy Sandbox aimed at the total deletion of third-party cookies. The idea: to create online advertising technologies that better protect users' privacy while allowing advertisers to serve relevant ads. The main components of Privacy Sandbox: Topics API allows interest-based advertising. Instead of tracking users individually, it groups users by interest groups. Advertisers target groups of users with similar interests without access to individual data. ENVIRONMENT : a targeting feature based on members' previous engagement. Ad serving decisions are made without sending personal data to external servers. API Assignment Reports measures ad effectiveness by relating ad interactions (like clicks) to conversions (like purchases) in an anonymous, aggregated manner, without revealing personally identifiable information. Consent mode allows websites to adjust the behavior of their Google tags based on user consent for advertising and analytics cookies. It respects users' privacy choices while allowing conversions to be measured in an aggregated manner. After a first version, the Consent mode v2 from Google improves the granularity of consents. The end of third-party cookies: why it's not so simple Deleting cookies primarily poses a problem for site publishers: it complicates the personalization of advertisements and the monitoring of user behavior, which can reduce the profitability of advertisements and therefore their income, at least initially. For large platforms like Google, the impact would be less severe. Beyond all the data to which they already have access, they have the necessary means to implement advantageous alternative solutions and compensate for a possible one-off drop in advertising investments. The end of third-party cookies on

Blockchain in the supply chain: the 10 essential benefits
Business & Entrepreneurship, Tutorials

Blockchain in the supply chain: the 10 essential benefits

Blockchain, a distributed ledger technology, has the potential to radically transform supply chain management. By providing transparency, security and efficiency, blockchain allows companies to better track, verify and optimize their supply chains. Here are the ten main benefits of using blockchain in the supply chain. 1/ Increased transparency Blockchain allows total transparency of transactions by recording each step of the supply chain in an immutable ledger accessible to all authorized participants. This transparency facilitates the verification of information and builds trust between stakeholders. Companies thus follow the journey of products in real time, which helps guarantee authenticity and compliance at each stage of the process. The transparency offered by blockchain also helps prevent fraud and strengthen transaction security. Additionally, this full visibility allows consumers to better understand the origin and journey of the products they purchase, creating an increased sense of trust and loyalty towards the brand. Additionally, blockchain's ability to provide unalterable records means that audits and controls are more efficient, reducing the costs and efforts associated with these processes. 2/ Reinforced security Transactions recorded on a blockchain are encrypted and distributed across multiple nodes, making them extremely difficult to tamper with. This increased security reduces the risk of fraud and counterfeiting. By using blockchain, companies ensure the integrity and authenticity of products throughout the supply chain. The decentralized nature of blockchain also ensures data resilience, as the compromise of one node does not affect the entire network. This robustness is essential to maintaining trust and reliability of transactions. Additionally, the consensus mechanisms used by blockchain, such as proof of work or proof of stake, add an extra layer of security, making attacks costly and impractical. This robust security is particularly important in sensitive industries where product falsification has serious consequences, such as health or aeronautics. 3/ Improved efficiency Blockchain can automate many supply chain processes through the use of smart contracts. These contracts automatically execute actions when predefined conditions are met. This automation reduces processing times and administrative costs, while improving transaction accuracy and efficiency. Smart contracts also help simplify validation processes, reducing friction and human errors. Increased efficiency translates into smoother operations and reduced costs for businesses. For example, payment times are significantly reduced, because payments are made automatically as soon as delivery conditions are met and checked. Additionally, smart contracts handle complex conditions and exceptions, making the supply chain management process more adaptable and responsive to changes and unforeseen events. 4/ Traceability and origin of products Blockchain's ability to record every step of a product's journey allows for complete and precise traceability. Companies guarantee the provenance of products and meet regulatory requirements more easily. This traceability improves transparency and accountability, allowing consumers to know the origin and authenticity of the products they purchase. Additionally, businesses can quickly identify and correct issues throughout the supply chain, ensuring better quality and compliance. This traceability capability is particularly important in industries where product safety and quality are critical, such as food, pharmaceuticals and electronics. For example, in the event of a quality issue, blockchain makes it possible to quickly discern the affected batch and take the necessary corrective actions, thereby minimizing negative impacts on consumers and businesses. 5/ Cost reduction By eliminating middlemen and automating processes, blockchain reduces costs associated with supply chain management. Companies save on transaction fees, verification costs and administrative expenses, among other things. Reducing costs allows companies to reinvest in other strategic areas, thereby increasing their competitiveness and profitability. Additionally, the increased efficiency through blockchain leads to substantial savings in the long term. Costs related to disputes and fraud are also reduced thanks to the transparency and reliability of transactions. Additionally, streamlining processes and reducing processing times helps accelerate cash cycles, thereby improving liquidity and financial management of businesses. 6/ Risk and incident management Blockchain enables better risk management by providing complete visibility into the supply chain. Businesses can quickly distinguish and respond to incidents, minimizing interruptions and losses. This responsiveness is essential to maintain continuity of operations and meet customer expectations. In the event of a product recall, blockchain facilitates traceability and rapid removal of affected batches, thereby reducing negative impacts on the company's reputation and finances. Blockchain's ability to provide accurate records also improves the management of insurance and compensation in the event of a loss, providing clear and indisputable evidence of events. Additionally, the data collected can be analyzed to identify trends and underlying causes of incidents, allowing preventative and continuous improvement measures to be implemented. 7/ Strengthening trust between partners The decentralized and transparent nature of blockchain builds trust between supply chain partners. Verifiable and immutable transactions reduce the need for external controls and audits. Increased trust allows you to develop stronger relationships and collaborate more effectively. In particular, companies share data securely, thus promoting harmonious and productive cooperation. This increased trust is particularly beneficial in complex supply chains involving multiple actors. In addition, blockchain makes it possible to formalize and secure commercial agreements, thereby reducing the risk of conflicts and litigation. This reinforced trust can also attract new partners and customers, who see the use of blockchain as a guarantee of seriousness and reliability. 8/ Sustainability and environmental responsibility Blockchain can be used to track sustainable practices and environmental initiatives throughout the supply chain. Companies therefore check that their suppliers respect ecological and social standards. The transparency offered by blockchain allows businesses to promote sustainable practices and demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility. By adopting greener practices, companies not only reduce their environmental impact, but also attract customers and partners who are sensitive to ecological issues. Blockchain also helps certify products that meet sustainability criteria, providing added value to environmentally conscious consumers. By monitoring carbon emissions, resource use and working conditions, companies improve their social and environmental responsibility, strengthening their brand image and market position. 9/ Improved planning and forecasting Blockchain provides accurate, real-time data that can be used to improve supply chain planning and forecasting. For example, companies anticipate inventory needs, optimize stock levels and reduce waste. Access

no aparecen los iconos de las aplicaciones instaladas en Android
Technology & Gadgets, Tutorials

How to Recover Missing App Icons on Android

If you have ever found yourself in a situation where Icons of applications installed on Android do not appearfor no apparent reason, you are not the only one. This problem is more common than it seems and may be due to various causes. Fortunately, there are several solutions you can try recover these icons on your home screen. In this article, we will detail all the possibilities reasons why the icons may not appear and we will tell you step by step how to fix it so that this doesn't happen to you again. Let's see why the icons of installed applications on Android do not appear. Possible causes of disappearing icons The first thing to do is to identify the likely reason why the icons of your applications have disappeared. We detail the most common causes below: Shortcuts and updates In many cases, what disappears is not the app icons itself, but the shortcuts we create for them. An update to the system or the browser itself may have changed settings or removed direct links. Additionally, if you restored a backup in which these accesses were not stored, they may disappear after the restoration. Hidden icons Application launchers on Android, like Nova Launcher or its own launcher MIUI in XiaomiLet you hide icons to reduce clutter on the home screen. Sometimes, you could have activated this option unintentionally and that's why you don't see some icons on the home screen. To view them, you will need to check your privacy or app launcher settings. Also You may have changed some settings on your phone's home screen or theme.which could have caused the icons to change or disappear. Apps grouped or deleted Sometimes, without realizing it, you group several applications in the same folder. If you notice that several icons are missing, check if they have been bundled with other apps. It's also possible that you accidentally deleted the shortcut from your home screen, or even that someone with access to your phone did it for you. Corrupt cache He caching applications may become corrupted, preventing some applications from displaying correctly. Clearing the cache is a common solution to these problems. You can do this by going to the device settings, then the storage section and selecting the option clear cache. How to Fix Missing Icons Issues Check Home Screen Settings If app icons disappear after downloading new apps, your phone's home screen settings may not be configured to automatically add new icons. On Android devices, like Pixels, you can access Settings and in the section Home screenmake sure to enable the option that adds icons for newly installed apps. Exit safe mode If your device is in safe modeonly pre-installed apps will appear, while downloaded apps will be disabled. To check if you are in Safe Mode, look for a message in the corner of the screen. To exit this state, simply restart the phone. Restore a disabled app In some cases, apps may appear disabled, preventing their icons from displaying. Through the settings you can access the Apps and notifications and look for disabled apps. Simply select the app whose activation you want to restore. Scan with antivirus In very rare cases, the viruses can hide or automatically uninstall apps. If the problem occurs after visiting a suspicious website or installing an app of dubious origin, run a scan with some antivirus software like AVG to remove any possible malware. Steps to recover icons manually From the app drawer If an app icon has disappeared from the Home screen, a quick way to get it back is from the app drawer. Swipe up from the bottom of the Home screen to open the drawer. SO, long press on the missing app and drag it to the home screen. Reset app preferences If you have inadvertently made changes to an application's preferences, you can reset these settings via the tab Settings of the phone. Go to the Applications section and select reset preferences. This will return all applications to their default states without losing any data. Check hidden apps Some phone models allow you to hide specific apps. Go to Settings, find the section hidden apps Yes check if an app was accidentally hidden. Other options to recover missing apps Reinstall the app If you accidentally deleted or uninstalled an app, you can re-download it from Google Play. Simply search for the app and select install. Factory reset In case nothing works, the last option is to perform a factory reset on your device. This procedure will return the mobile to its original state, so it is important to make a backup copy of your data before carrying out the process. To do this, go to Settings > Backup & reset > Factory data reset. Please note that this method will delete all your data, although it will fix any software issues that may be affecting your app icons. This type of problem where the icons of installed applications do not appear is more common than you might think, but it is also true that with patience, It is usually easy to detect and resolve the source of the problem. By following these tips, you will be able to recover missing app icons on your Android device and prevent this from happening again in the future. Source link

The importance of facial hydration to maintain glowing skin
Fashion & Beauty, Health & Wellness

The importance of facial hydration to maintain glowing skin

Hydrated skin is not only more beautiful bright and healthybut it is also essential to prevent premature aging. Incorporating facial hydration into your daily skincare routine can make a big difference. At Alice Beauty Concept, we offer innovative treatments to improve the quality of your skin. Why is facial hydration essential? Hydration is essential to maintain a soft leather and flexible. Helps to strengthen the skin barrier, protecting the skin from external agents such as cold, sun or pollution. Without adequate hydration, skin tends to become dry, dull and prone to wrinkles. In addition, well-hydrated skin resists daily aggressions better, improve your ability to regeneration. This contributes to a younger, healthier appearance, both in the short and long term. Hydration treatment at Alice Beauty Concept Microneedle or Dermapen These treatments use microneedling to stimulate collagen production and improve the absorption of moisturizing products. The microneedle creates microchannels in the skin, allowing active ingredients to penetrate deeply, thus obtaining more hydration. intense and lasting. The Dermapen, a more advanced version, offers personalized results for each skin type. This procedure not only deeply moisturizes, but also improves the texture and elasticity of the skin, leaving it soft and rejuvenated. Benefits of professional facial hydration Professional treatment not only improves the appearance, but also improves the skin health. Deep hydration helps reduce fine lines, evens skin tone and gives a natural glow. In addition, it improves the trafficpromoting tissue oxygenation. These treatments are also ideal for preparing the skin before important events, ensuring it looks radiant and costs. Combined with appropriate home care, the results are even more visible and lasting. Tips for Keeping Your Skin Hydrated at Home Use a moisturizer suited to your skin type, morning and evening. This guarantees constant hydration and protects the skin barrier. Drink enough water throughout the day, as internal hydration is as important as external hydration. This helps maintain the skin flexible and bright. Protect your skin from climate change. In winter, opt for more products emollients and in summer, favor light formulas with sun protection. Conclusion Facial hydration is essential for healthy, glowing skin. At Alice Beauty Concept, we advocate the importance of providing deep and personalized hydration. Combined with good habits at home, they will help you maintain young, soft and radiant skin. Don't wait any longer to give your skin the care it deserves! Source link

pescado en salsa de betabel
Food & Cooking, Health & Wellness

Fish in beetroot sauce: a combination that makes you fall in love

Ingredients For 4 people 4 markets bar 1/2 tza whipped cream 1 piece Beet cut into cubes 1 bunch Thyme 1 bunch asparagus 1 cda Butter c/n garlic powder c/n salt and pepper googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-body-pos-2’); }); Procedure In aluminum foil, ADD the beets, thyme, salt and pepper. Bake at 200°C for 20 minutes or until softened. Season the fish and asparagus with salt, pepper and garlic. COOK fish and asparagus in a pan with butter and oil for 3 minutes on each side. MIX beetroot with whipped cream. Season with salt and pepper. SERVE with a little beetroot sauce under the fish and accompany with asparagus. REMARKS A curious fact about beetroot is that its intense red color comes from a pigmentation called betalainwhich not only gives that vibrant tone, but also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, beetroot has been used since ancient times not only as a food, but also as a natural coloring in different cultures due to its intense color. A versatile and healthy ingredient! Source link

doble limpieza facial granada
Health & Wellness

Double facial cleansing, what is it and its benefits

Do you want to highlight porcelain skin and remove dead cells with a Korean facial cleansing routine? Double cleansing the face is Korean girls’ secret treatment to have a perfect and radiant complexion, since it eliminates dirt produced by the environment and dead cells. To achieve this, oil-based and water-based products are used for all skin types. This helps eliminate impurities in depth and gives a new look to the skin on your face. In addition, it allows better absorption of moisturizers. In our Alice Beauty Concept beauty center we carry out a double facial cleansing, so you can maintain a youthful face, free of grease and the rest of the makeup that remains with daily use. Discover double facial cleansing and all the benefits it can offer you! What is double facial cleansing? In double facial cleansing, two types of products are used: a cleanser with an oilier base, such as butter, oil or milk; and another water-based cleaner, such as soap or gel, among some items. This treatment is very popular in Korea and for many girls and boys is the definitive method to show off a face with porcelain skin, as it significantly removes makeup residue, dead cells or sebum. It is therefore suitable for combination, oily and sensitive skin, as it contains a non-aggressive formula for the skin. You will have clean, silky, soft and luminous skin. Likewise, it prevents the appearance of spots or other possible imperfections on oily, dry and combination skin, resulting from the accumulation of traces of dirt and makeup. After applying this treatment, your dermis will be better prepared to absorb the following active formulas, such as the pH balancing toner, serum or moisturizing lotion. How fantastic does this facial cleansing ritual sound to you? Well, you will get surprising results! What is double facial cleansing? Double cleansing the face is an effective method to completely remove any dirt or residue that remains on the skin and cannot be removed with soap and water. In other words, it cleanses, cares for and pampers the skin in depth. In addition, the soaps that help with this process are completely natural and are not harsh on the dermal layer, so they have no side or negative effects. The steps used in this processing are as follows: First of all, makeup removal serves to remove makeup residue and impurities from the skin. Of course, your skin’s skin barrier is respected. You can choose the type of product you want to apply in this step: a water cleanser based on makeup remover oils. These are perfect for eyes and lips. Then it is disinfected with cotton pads, using gentle touches so as not to irritate or redden the skin. To do this, you must avoid unnecessary friction at all costs. Cleaning the eyes is also part of this step. Then the facial cleansing gel is applied and to do this, circular movements are made. In this way, blood circulation is stimulated and promotes luminosity of the skin. In this step you will notice a face free of impurities and soft. Now, apply the moisturizing product to tone and purify the skin. So you can balance the pH, restore the dermis and close the dogs. This way you will be ready for the last step, which is applying the moisturizer. At Alice Beauty Concept we have the best facial cleansing products and we guarantee palpable results, since our beauty care experts will take into account your skin type and master the techniques to beautify your face. Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the appearance of your skin and free it from impurities. What are the benefits of double facial cleansing? Double cleansing your face has multiple benefits for your face and thanks to this, many people decide to include this skin treatment in their beauty routine. These benefits include: It prepares the dermal layer to better absorb the active ingredients of cosmetic products, that is to say, they make it more receptive. This will give you greater efficiency. It provides deep cleansing, as it removes makeup residue, impurities, such as dead cells or excess sebum. Prevents the appearance of blackheads and other imperfections caused by dirt accumulated on the skin. It improves the texture and gives more shine to the complexion, so you will have the famous “porcelain skin” effect, which many boys and girls in Korea have, thanks to this facial cleansing routine. The success of this treatment is due to the basics of the products used during this process: cleansing oils, as they improve the appearance of the face impressively: Among the oils that can be used are the following: jojoba seed oil Coconut oil evening primrose oil Macadamia nut oil safflower oil The ingredients in these oils act like a magnet to trap any sebum, makeup or sunscreen residue that may remain on the skin. You won’t be able to find this result in any other facial treatment. On the other hand, water-based cleansers used can remove dirt that usually accumulates due to sweat or other things that contaminate the skin. Combining the power of oils and facial cleansers will give you a flawless, clean and shiny face. You will reduce problems with dryness, enlarged pores or hyperpigmentation. Water-based cleansers can come in different formats: cleansing foams, cleansing gels or soap bars. At the end of this session, we will apply a moisturizer and that’s it! You will be ready to show off your new image. In our beauty center we strive to offer you visible results from the first session, so you can enjoy smooth and soft skin from the first moment. Make an appointment with us without obligation to start your double facial cleansing routine in Granada. Source link

Tratamientos para reducir abdomen sin cirugía
Health & Wellness

Reduce your abdomen without surgery

If you are looking for solutions to reduce abdominal fat, in Alice Beauty Concept We offer a variety of non-invasive treatments. These include techniques such as ultrasound, radiofrequency, lipolytic laser, VelaShape and maderotherapy. Additionally, following a healthy diet and doing high-intensity exercises can also be an option to reduce belly fat. In this article we will analyze all these options in detail so that you can choose the one that suits you best. What is abdominal fat and how is it formed? THE abdominal fat It is the one that accumulates around the stomach area. It is important to note that not all fats are equal and visceral fat is the most dangerous. This is found around internal organs and can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other health problems. Composition of abdominal fat Abdominal fat is made up of adipose cells, which contain triglycerides, which can be released into the bloodstream and accumulate in organs. Fat also contains hormones and immune cells that can affect overall health. Biological processes leading to the formation of abdominal fat The formation of abdominal fat is associated with biological processes taking place in the body. He excess calories that are not burned through exercise and physical activity It is stored in the body as fat, and if more calories are consumed than burned, excess fat accumulates more prominently in the abdominal area. Factors that influence the accumulation of abdominal fat Age: With age, metabolism decreases and it is easier to gain weight. Genetics: the tendency to accumulate belly fat can be hereditary. Gender: Men tend to accumulate more abdominal fat than women. Diet: Eating foods high in calories and fat, especially those high in saturated fats and refined carbohydrates, can contribute to greater accumulation of abdominal fat. Stress: Chronic stress can increase cortisol productionwhich can cause fat accumulation in the abdomen. Lack of sleep: Lack of sleep can affect hormonal processes related to weight control, which can contribute to greater accumulation of abdominal fat. Non-invasive treatments to reduce abdominal fat Non-invasive body fat removal treatments are a great option for people looking to reduce belly fat without surgery. The most effective non-invasive body treatments are explained below: Body radiofrequency (INDIBA ELITE NS) THE body radio frequency is a technique that uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which Helps reduce sagging and improve overall body appearance. This treatment also helps reduce fat located in the stomach, thighs and buttocks. Body radiofrequency is painless and non-invasive, meaning it requires no recovery time. Lipolytic laser He lipolytic laser This is a non-invasive technique that uses a laser to remove fat from the body. This treatment is effective in reducing abdominal fat, thigh fat and arm fat. The lipolytic laser works by emitting a laser beam that dissolves fat. The body then naturally eliminates the dissolved fat cells. He the treatment is painless and non-invasivemeaning it requires no recovery time. VelaForme VelaForme is a non-invasive treatment that combines radiofrequency, massage therapy and vacuuming to reduce body fat. This treatment is effective in reducing fat around the stomach, thighs and buttocks. VelaShape helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skinwhich helps to improve your appearance. The treatment is painless, non-invasive and requires no recovery time. Maderotherapy THE wood therapy It is a non-invasive technique that uses wooden rollers to reduce body fat. The treatment helps improve the appearance of the skin and reduce cellulite. Maderotherapy is relaxing and non-invasive, meaning it does not require recovery time. All of the non-invasive treatments mentioned above have a high success rate. It is important to choose a suitable treatment, depending on the type of fat and the appearance of the skin. It is advisable to contact a specialist in aesthetic medicine to advise them on the most suitable technique for each case. Recommendations for choosing a non-invasive treatment The patient must ensure that the treatment is carried out by a properly trained aesthetic professional. It is necessary to check that the medical center has the necessary certifications and adequate equipment. Is It is important to inform yourself about the possible risks and side effects of each treatment Before undertaking any treatment, a prior medical assessment must be carried out to verify the absence of contraindications. The patient must take into account the cost of treatment and evaluate the cost-benefit ratio Combination treatments to reduce body fat Combination treatments are an excellent option to achieve more effective and long-lasting results. Combining several non-invasive treatments can help reduce abdominal fat, as well as improve skin texture and firmness. Combination of treatments for effective results Radiofrequency + ultrasound: This can be very effective since radio frequency can help remove fat from tissue and ultrasound can be used to contour the figure. Maderotherapy + Velashape: By combining these treatments, you may achieve faster and more effective results. While maderotherapy can break down fat and reduce cellulite, Velashape can tone the skin and reduce body circumference. Together they can improve the appearance of skin, reduce cellulite and help shape the body. Lipolytic laser + radiofrequency: The lipolytic laser is responsible for the breakdown of fat cells and the radiofrequency helps the skin to firm up. Treatments to prevent sagging and excess skin It is important to note that after abdominal fat reduction, the skin may lose its elasticity and firmness, which can lead to sagging and excess skin. For this reason, treatments such as facial radiofrequency, tension threads or chemical peeling can be applied to prevent sagging and excess skin in the abdominal area. Other Natural Options to Reduce Abdominal Fat In addition to non-invasive treatments to reduce belly fat, there are other natural options that can help you achieve a flatter, more toned stomach. Here are some of the most effective options: Healthy eating and exercise A balanced diet and regular exercise They are essential for reducing the abdomen without resorting to surgery. You should include protein-rich foods and avoid excess foods high

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