Constraints of lipofilling in the mammary zone

Constraints of lipofilling in the mammary zone
Lipofilling, or automatic fat injection, is a technique that is most commonly used in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, especially in the mammary area. This procedure involves the extraction of fat from one part of the body and its subsequent injection into another area, in this case, the senos. This is an attractive option for many women who know how to characterize invasiveness in comparison with prospective mothers, not all people are ideal candidates for this procedure.

Before we come, what do we hear as a medical condition?

When we have “contraindicación” in the medical environment, we refer to a condition or factor that increases the risks of a treatment, potentially damaging or ineffective.

The contraindications may be absolutewhat means that a procedure must not be carried out under any circumstances, or relativaswhere the procedure can be taken to the cable, but with additional precautions. In the case of lipofilling in the mammary zone, the contraindications are centered on factors that may compromise the safety of the patient as well as the unwanted aesthetic results.

Is lipofilling a good herramienta for breast cancer?

Lipofilling has become popular in various regions. Allows patients to use their fatty propia to increase their form to their senoseliminating the need for external prótesis. In addition, the user owns this property. reduce the risk of allergic or reactive reactions, and you will see more natural results so much so as the view. Sin embargo, it is crucial to understand that, although lipofilling can be an excellent herramienta, it is not suitable for all women nor for all aesthetic objects.

How can we use lipofilling procedures?

Lipofilling in the breast area can be used in various types of procedures, including:

  • Increase in modern age: Para aquellas mujeres que desean un increaseo ligero y natural, sans recurrir à implants.
  • Correction of asymmetries: Lipofilling may vary in size or shape between the breasts.
  • Postmastectomy repair: As part of breast reconstruction in a mastectomy, lipofilling can restore volume and contour.
  • Post-procedure improvements: To correct irregularities or improve results with previous surgery, such as mastectomy or breast reduction.

Lipofilling restrictions in the maternal area: they are not recommended for use

Considering its volume, lipofilling is not suitable for all patients. As for all medical procedures, there are some contraindications that you may have here:

A voluminous mama’s aumento

Lipofilling is most effective for increases in moderate weight. For those who want a significant increase, it is likely that the amount of fat required is excessive or insufficient, so that lipofilling is not the best option. In these cases, breast implants will be more recommended.

Insufficient amount of body fat for its realization

The existence of lipofilling depends on the availability of fat in other areas of the skin. If a woman has a fat body, she may not have sufficient material to transfer to her breasts. This limits the possibilities of logging the desired volume increase.

Healing problems

Persons with a history of abnormal scarring, such as the formation of rare or hypertrophic scars, may not be candidates for lipofilling. This procedure involves small incisions for fat extraction, and any scarring problem may compromise the aesthetic result.

Embarazo o lactancia

Lipofilling is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation. During these stages, the woman’s body experiences many hormonal changes that can affect the distribution of fat and the response of the body to the cirugía. It is preferable to hope that the body will be stabilized before considering this type of procedure.

Traffic problems

Women with circulation problems, such as peripheral artery disease, may encounter complications during and after lipofilling. Deficient circulation may interfere with the integration of fat transfer, which may negatively affect the results.

The use of fishing gear: a very beneficial option that should be valued

If it lipofilling we are not suitable for you to comply with any of the mentioned contraindications, Las prótesis mamarias offer a reliable and effective alternative. Mother’s implants allow precise control over the size and shape of the breast, and with advances in materials and surgical techniques, the risks are minimally significant.

It is important to discuss with your plastic plastic all the options available to determine which one is the best for you, considering your objects and individual conditions.

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