Fight dark circles with hyaluronic acid, is it effective?

Fight dark circles with hyaluronic acid, is it effective?
Dark circles are a common cosmetic problem for many people, as they can make us look tired, aged or even sick. Although there are different treatments to solve this problem, hyaluronic acid has become one of the most popular options in aesthetic medicine. But is it really effective in fighting dark circles?

Why do dark circles appear?

Dark circles can appear for a variety of reasons and it is important to understand the underlying cause before deciding on the appropriate treatment. Some of these reasons include:

  • Genetic inheritance: Some people are predisposed to having dark circles due to genetic factors. If your parents or grandparents had dark circles under their eyes, there’s a good chance you’ll develop them too.
  • Wear and fatigue: Lack of sleep, stress and chronic fatigue can make dark circles more visible.
  • Aging: Over time, the skin around your eyes thins and loses elasticity, which can make dark circles more visible.
  • Pigmentation: In some people, dark circles are caused by an increased concentration of melanin in the skin under the eyes.
  • Visible blood vessels: Thin skin around the eyes allows blood vessels to be more visible, which can give the skin a darker tone.

The skin of the eyelid is 10 times thinner than that of the face in general

A key aspect to take into account is the fragility and delicacy of the skin around the eyelids. This skin is approximately 10 times thinner than the rest of the face, making it more likely to show signs of fatigue, aging and damage. This delicacy is precisely why dark circles can be so difficult to treat and why treatments must be chosen carefully. to avoid complications and achieve natural results.

What is hyaluronic acid and why is it used to combat dark circles?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance present naturally in our body, particularly in the skin, joints and eyes. Its main function is to retain water, which helps keep the skin hydrated, voluminous and elastic.. In aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid is used as a dermal filler to treat various aesthetic problems, including dark circles.

When hyaluronic acid is injected into the under-eye area, it acts as a filler, reducing the appearance of dark circles by filling in depressions and reducing the visibility of underlying blood vessels.. Additionally, hyaluronic acid can improve skin hydration, which can reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Is hyaluronic acid the best treatment for dark circles?

Although hyaluronic acid is a valuable tool in treating dark circles, it is not always the best option in all cases. In fact, in many situations, blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can provide longer-lasting and more effective results.

When to use blepharoplasty or hyaluronic acid to fight dark circles?

Between hyaluronic acid and blepharoplasty, it depends on several factors, including the cause of the dark circles, the severity of the disease and the patient’s expectations.

hyaluronic acid: It is best for young or middle-aged patients who have dark circles under their eyes due to slight volume loss, thin skin, or visibility of blood vessels. It is also a great option for those looking for a temporary solution or who are not ready to undergo surgery.

Blepharoplasty: Recommended for those with excess skin, pronounced fat pads or those looking for a more permanent solution. It is particularly effective in cases where dark circles are accompanied by more advanced signs of aging around the eyes.

Hyaluronic acid to fight dark circles

Hyaluronic acid treatment It is minimally invasive and generally requires no downtimemaking it a popular choice for many people. During the procedure, hyaluronic acid is injected into specific areas under the eyes to fill in depressions and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Results are usually visible immediately, although the full effect is best seen a few days later, once the initial swelling has reduced.

It is important to note that the results of hyaluronic acid are not permanent.. Depending on the type of hyaluronic acid used and the patient’s metabolism, the effects They can last between 6 months and a year. After this time, a maintenance treatment will be necessary if you wish to maintain the results.

Blepharoplasty to combat dark circles

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that offers a longer-lasting solution to dark circles and other signs of aging around the eyes. This procedure may involve removing excess skin and fat, as well as tightening the underlying muscles and tissues to rejuvenate the eye area.

Although blepharoplasty requires a longer recovery period than hyaluronic acid treatment, the results are generally longer lasting.. Additionally, blepharoplasty can correct a wider range of cosmetic concerns, making it a preferred option for people with darker dark circles or accompanied by other signs of aging.

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